Amelia helped make pancakes. Nathan made AJ''s into a snowman with a bacon scarf!
Then we delivered the Mailman a special surprise for all his work!
Thanks to my friend Rachel, Amelia got her Christmas wish!
"Look Mama! I look just like Elsa!!!"-AJ
Reindeer PB &J for lunch
I was feeling crafty so I made up some gifts for our neighbors around us!
After our Christmas Eve service we decided to have dinner out at a local Chinese Restaurant.
When we returned home we began making our sugar cookies.......But first things first......
we must get messy!!!!
I LOVE this picture! She is in her Christmas jammies and ready to eat popcorn and watch one of her many Veggie Tale Christmas movies!
I, Randi, was feeling like I needed a smiley face breakfast....and this is what I came up with!
We cheated on our Whole 30 meal plan today and had cinnamon rolls!! YUM!
We let Amelia open her stocking and then waited until Nathan got off work to open presents together!
While we waited for Daddy to come home we did many crafts!
Here she is painting a paper plate we later made into a Christmas Tree Hat.
She painted an ornament for our tree.
She made glitter dots.......
This particular artwork lasted for a good 20 minutes! What concentration!
Reindeer Lunch
Showing off her new Frozen shirt!
She loved her new tea set from the Tarkas!
Here she sits in her new Frozen sheets and blanket momma made for her!
To end Christmas Day, we frosted one of her cookies and let her "eat" (or lick the frosting off) it before bed.
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