Friday, February 14, 2014

Videos of AJ

Singing her favorite song with Mama!

Telling me thank you for getting the sun out of her eyes:)

Amelia hasn't been fond of baths lately and really doesn't like rinsing her hair out. Here she is finally showing that she is becoming more comfortable in the tub and pours water over her eyes! What a brave girlie! (ps. her laugh is REALLY fake, but still cute!)

Saying her prayers

Valentine's Day


 Happy Valentine's Day!


Amelia's Valentines to her classmates! 

 Valentine's Day Breakfast! 

Her first Ponytail!! 
It only lasted a minute, but it was cute while it lasted!!:) 

Reading and Playing...

Amelia's favorite thing to do lately is grab a good book, snuggle up in her blanket and relax!:)

 She also really likes using her magnetic dress up doll! 


We've had many days of snow the last month or so. Here are a few pictures of us enjoying it!