We started out Christmas with another Snowman, however, it was a French Toast Snowman today! Green yogurt and red eggs! Yum!

Because it's Christmas, I let her watch Polar Express while eating breakfast!
When daddy woke up (working 3rds for 2 more days this year and then back to 1st shift next year!) we opened presents! Here she is on her own tricycle!
Her tricycle and teddy.
Loves her new microphone!
Reading her book on the Potty, from Aunt Kristen and Uncle Jon.
Play dough Farm Set!!
Just Jam'n! :)
Doctor Set.
"You okay, Daddy?"
Some Post-Christmas crafts...
Painting bulbs on a tree outline using paper towel tubes.
Then we switched to bells.
Then we switched to bows.
We ended by painting an ornament for our tree.
"Look, see! Oooo, pretty!"